Sunday, 03 November 2019 16:52

Dean's Greeting


In the National and European policies for health and for addressing inequalities, the prevention and fight against non-communicable diseases play an important role in the public health strategy. Prevention touches many areas, including among other things lifestyle changes, responsible labelling and  food/nutritional habits.

Through various EU programs and initiatives as well as at national and regional level, investments are made in health care systems, health research, infrastructure or wider aspects related to health and prevention of health problems as well as education and training in related issues.

In particular, the need to combat inequalities between member countries coalesces in combating the determining health risk factors related to lifestyle, such as: Smoking, Obesity, Inactivity. These are shared by cancer and other non-communicable diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases) as determining risk factors for their occurrence as well as the success of therapeutic interventions. An additional goal is to save financial resources through the prevention, treatment and management of chronic conditions related to poverty, inactivity and unhealthy nutritional approaches and to support the participation and self-management of all citizens via lifestyle changes (improvement of eating and exercise habits), a goal that requires both the education of the population and the training of professionals who serve the Sciences of Physical Education, Sports and Dietetics.

Based on the above, it is evident that the basic degrees offered by the two departments of the School of Physical Education, Sport Science and Dietetics.

DPESS-BSc degree in Physical Education and Sport Science

preparing graduates to work as Physical Education teachers or Exercise Professionals with or without a sport coaching specialty, as Sports Scientists e.g. in self-employment, gyms, sports clubs, federations, sports tourism, exercise therapy/rehabilitation centers (Government Gazette 3169/B/12-12-2013, P.D.

219/2006 Government Gazette A 221), education (category PE11) and in research.

DND-BSc degree in Nutrition and Dietetics

preparing graduates to work as Health Professionals [PD 78/1989 (A΄ 36) and 133/2014) A΄213), in accordance with the provisions of article 32 of law 4999/2022. Official Gazette 225/t. A΄/07-12-2022.] as Dietitians-Nutritionists e.g. in self - employment, hospitals, industries, food businesses and providing alternative careers in education (category PE 88.04, for entrants up to the academic year 2023-2024) or in research,

are in cutting-edge areas for the National and European Strategies, i.e. they prepare scientists who bring knowledge and skills with a critical contribution to the prevention of health problems and the maintenance of well-being and quality of life.

In addition, innovative graduate programs highlight the synergy of citizen-centered specializations and therefore contribute to the value of the degrees and enhance the career prospects of the School΄s graduates.

The academic community of our School, consisting of internationally distinguished scientists and researchers, responding to the challenges of the ever changing national and international conditions, works to further develop the academic environment of the School, in line with the vision of the development of the University of Thessaly.

The School organizes teaching and research activities that not only maintain but also improve the educational process at undergraduate and postgraduate level, as well as cultivates the production of new scientific knowledge in the academic fields it supports. It implements actions to transfer knowledge, know-how and entrepreneurship at local, regional, national and international level, which on the one hand equip graduates with critical professional skills and on the other hand maximize societal benefit. In addition, through international events, international agreements and the use of digital technologies, it offers access and advancement opportunities to populations with special characteristics, in Greece and abroad, placing high importance on the issues of health, culture, sports and the environment and contributing to the extroversion and impact of the University of Thessaly and the Greek Academic Community overall.

Read 22241 times Last modified on Tuesday, 22 October 2024 11:37